Wake up....
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Educate yourself!
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Unabomber Manifesto Comment on modern society.
Demographic Maps of the U.S. Find out who lives where.

Anarchism and Libertarianism Great Essay on your Constitution, lots of other links.
What are children forced to pledge allegiance to?
In America they came first for the employers of the negroes (slave owners);
but I owned not a single negro, so I said naught as half the young white men of the nation died in civil war.
Then the United Nations came for those whose insights labeled them "antisemites";
but I knew Jews were exactly equal to everyone else, so I was not an antisemite.
Then certain natural plants became a crime to behold;
now any American citizen will go to Federal prison for having hemp in his household.
Then McCarthy came after the communists;
but I was white collar, not a union member, so I watched from afar.
Then they came after those who wished to remain separate but equal;
and our nation slid into the downward spiral of integration and degradation; but we are told it was worth it to become equal.
Then they came for the most helpless and innocent; the unborn-
and Feminists were able to point out that Catholics were radical because they did not support a mother's "choice" to kill her children.
Then they came after those free soles who wished to feel the wind in their hair;
and said that helmets are mandatory, it's only fair.
Then they came for those who might murmur "nigger" or "faggot" while in a fight;
Such a "hate crime" surely deserved ten-times the sentence to alieviate the gay black man's plight.
So those with politically incorrect opinions learned to not speak thier mind.
Then they came for those who wished to defend their families against the "integrated" street people of the night;
But the ATF laughed as they disarmed the citizen's constitutional rights.
Now here we sit; the law abiding man, paying our taxes and defending this land.
We send our children to schools that are mixed, and the media portrays only the violence from hick's.
Our wives and daughters get mugged and raped, all while the rapist says we owe him his great-great-great-great-great grand parents back-pay.
To bear arms is a right of the past; and property ownership is all by our government, via the property tax.
We have no rights, but to love all that's "diverse," work in a factory, and fill the government's purse.
Surely one thing stands clear in this country;
they've already come for you and me.
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[email protected]
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